Our Services
Below is a summary of most of the Peer Recovery Services (PRSS) offered at the Recovery Community Organization. Other activities offered include: Healing Art, Music Therapy, Crafts for Families, Yoga and Meditation, Co-dependency Anonymous, Faith-based Recovery Services, Leadership Development and Supported Employment Services.
PEER Recovery Support Services(Prss)
PRSS include a variety of aspects such as community meetings (NA, SMART/MAT/ All Recovery Meetings), family-friendly community events and activities and one-on-one peer support services.
Life Skills/Continuing Education
We are committed to the success of all community members and helping them reach their full potential is of vital importance. We will utilize all community resources available, so they can focus on skills such as financial savings, budgeting, continuing their education, finding their passions in art, music and/or mindfulness.
Certified Peer Specialist Training
Through Positive Pathways, peers in our community with lived experience in recovery will have the opportunity to get their Certification becoming trained Peer Specialist (CPS). CPSs will have the opportunity to become gainfully employed and begin the process of engaging peer support services into our local community agencies, increasing collaboration and enhancing individual care for all community members across the Appilachian area.
Harm Reduction
To reduce the risk of opioid related deaths in our area we will have monthly harm reduction education classes, the third Thursday of every month. Narcan will also be available at the RCO.
Crisis Intervention
To reduce risk in our community and increase the feeling of safety among our community the RCO will be open 5 days a week, during those hours a CPS will also be able to answer the phones and assist with crisis. Any individual can call/text the RCO for assistance, and they can remain anonymous if they wish.
Community Events & GIvebacks
Positive Pathway's Mission is based on community engagement, so every month there will be a community giveback for basic needs and quarterly there will be a community event to engage staff, volunteers, stakeholders and community members of ages. Positive Pathways will also host regular Town Hall Meetings and Coalition Meetings to receive feedback about the RCO and share updates about progress in the Recovery Community.